Monday, January 25, 2010

My First Etsy Sell!!

Yesterday I sold my very first item on etsy.!!!! Yea Haw I am sooooooooo super excited. I listed it on saturday and it sold on sunday. This afternoon I am going to go Etsy crazy and list as many things as i possibly can!! Check out my pics to see what I sold. I painted the frames pink and then rubbed off some of the paint. Then I replaced the old pictures with small victorian reproduction cards of girls with flowers. I am going to make and list some more. Please check out my etsy shop to see all my great items! Ebay was so yesterday Etsy is the wave of the future!!! I can't wait to craft some more projects.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Whats worse than just wanting a garage sale. Dreaming you are at one. Last night I had two treasure related dreams. First I was at a garage sale and loading up on some great treasure only to be awaken by the cat (princess leia) curling up next to my head. Second I had a dream I caught one of my friends dumpster diving and she had so great loot! I was so jealous. This insanity has got to stop. I hit goodwill yesterday for 50cent clothes but it wasnt the same. I want variety. and that only comes with gsales. Well...ta ta for now.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Where have all the garage sales gone?

My family are avid garage salers. We stop at every sale we find. For the past couple of months there have been no sales. I have never seen a season like this one. I am so depressed. I WANT A GARAGE SALE!! Please dear lord oh please.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Every Wednesday is Family Junky Auction Night. We all pile into the local auction house to wage war on all the unsuspecting competition. They include the above left my sister Jennifer, my B-n-law Vernon aka Paul Bunyan, and my Niece Allison. And the top picture my daughter Hannah and my mom Marie. It's always an experience. Last night we only accidentally bid against each other once during the regular auction and then Vernon tried to steal some shabby chairs that I WON!!! How dare him. So on to the tables. Its like a game. There are about nine tables set up filled with all kinds of junk imaginable. New stuff and old. The auctioneer stands by a table and starts bids. The high bidder gets to pick one item off of the table. So one table had boxes of beanie babies. Yew Right? Well Hannah and Allison wanted some so I raised my hand to bid and one a box of 12 for $10. I almost had a panic attack. I actually bought beanie babies. Well Allison started throwing a fit so Vernon bought her a box but of course Hannah had the best box cause she picked first. So my idea was wait until we get home and divide them evenly. Wrong. The girls divided them and Hannah (to my minds eye) ended up with the junky ones. Of course I threw a hissy fit which caused a chain of hissy fits first Allison, then Jenny. Then Mom was embarrassed cause the whole auction heard us fighting over beenie babies. Laughable now but not then! Well no biggy they are used to our family drama. Usually its Jen and Vern fighting over some purchase he made that she crowned as JUNK. So I was thinking they should pay us for the entertainment we give them!! Mom didn't see it my way. Oh Well. Pictures soon of all my good junk. Kick your boots off and Take the road less traveled!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Even Your Grandest Friends Can Be Mean

It just so happens that I work in the same 5x5 office with a friend. Great right? NOT so great. She has been watching me create my blog over the past couple of days and just started laughing for no reason. She laughed so hard she started snorting and I thought she wet herself. She was laughing so hard she had to text me what she was laughing at cause she couldnt make the words come out. So her thought was I should have named my blog...get ready..."Rustic Dumpster Divin Gypsy Queen with a Skoal Ring". I admit it has a certain ring but it wasnt pee my pants funny. So I guess as an ode to her snorting I will get it made into a tee-shirt. She really meant for it to be mean but I am going to make money on that saying!!! xoxo


It seems to me that wanderlust is ingrained in my soul. In every endeavor, every job, house, car, everything. I always yearn for a change. Right now I am having a job/house moment. I want to work at the shop full time and I want a bigger house. I guess its always want want with me. I can never be happy with what I have. Oh and I want a new car. well not new i want a car i can pay cash for and not have payments. i know its a dream. i am always dreaming. I wish I had so much money I could travel the world. Learn different cultures, help the needy, experience everything from the catacombs of Paris to the castles of Ireland. I don't really care about museums or gardens or fancy things. I just want to experience the normal and imagine what it would have been like to live there in the 1800's. So sometimes wanderlust calls me back in time so what...I'm just me.dream...dream...dream...sweet dreams............

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

So we booked our hotel room for the biggest Junk Show Ever Antique Weekend in the Hill Country of Texas. Visit this link for more info. This will be our third trip. Its girls only weekend full of junk, more junk, beer at Zapp Hall is a tradition, and did I mention junk. We make a preliminary list and then kinda just buy what we like. We plan for months. We are in the what to wear stage right now. I can't wait. No kids! No responsibilities! Just fun in the Texas Sun. Here are some pics from the past. Well so maybe we do get a little crazy. Takin pictures with any obscene oddity we find. We only got in trouble once. A man thought we were stealing his idea and kinda hollered at us. Well we kinda try to be more discrete now. The girl in the pictures is my friend Crystal. She hates to take pictures so I posted some of her. More later.

My First Post

I am so excited to start. My very first blog. Yee-Haw. Ride 'em Cowgirl. I can't wait to tell the world my great shabby ideas... Today is Tuesday...I have to work at the clinic from 8 to 5 and then off to the shop for Valentine Redecorating. I can't wait until the weather warms just a bit. No heat in the shop...another great result of living in a small town. Centerpoint wont turn the gas on until a plumber checks the lines and reports his findings to the city. Then the city will ok for the gas to be turned on. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!! Well back to work. more later and pictures.